Women and Money

How Women Can Take Control Of Their Finances and Achieve Financial Freedom

Madhuri Jain
6 min readDec 4, 2022

Recently, I went to the bank to make a cash withdrawal on my father’s account and discovered that there were other options besides using a debit card. I was amazed at myself for not knowing this. Although it was a trivial incident, it helped me understand that, in my early 20s, I had virtually no knowledge of finances or money management. I, therefore, avoided doing any form of work that required handling money.

Though I started earning, I never bothered about saving and investments until my late 20s. I used all of my income to travel, purchase clothing, and jewelry, or give gifts to my loved ones. I now see that not knowing how to make and manage money can prove to be risky in these uncertain times.

Image Source: Pexels‍

‍Women have often been at a financial disadvantage due to traditional gender roles, but times are changing. As more and more women are taking charge of their finances, they are becoming empowered to achieve financial freedom. It takes knowledge, education, and discipline to manage one’s finances, but the benefits could be enormous. With the right strategies and tools, women can create a solid financial foundation and plan for long-term success. Women can learn to budget, save, invest, and manage debt responsibly to build a secure financial future for themselves and their families. Taking control of one’s finances does not have to be a daunting task. By taking the first step, women can gain the knowledge and confidence to make smart financial decisions and create a plan for financial freedom. I firmly believe that by taking charge of their finances, everyone can become powerful not just as an individual but also as partners and members of their communities. Financial security is a requirement for us rather than just a sign of strength.

What is financial freedom?

Financial freedom is a state of being where an individual does not have to worry about money. It is the absence of debt, the ability to save for emergencies and long-term goals such as retirement, and being able to provide for one’s family.

Financial freedom can be achieved by taking control of one’s finances through smart spending, budgeting, saving, and investing. Financial freedom is not something most people think about, but it is the foundation of a happy, successful life. Money is important because it allows us to build the life and future we want. In order to achieve financial freedom, women must take control of their finances by committing to smart spending, creating a long-term savings plan, and investing wisely.

Why is it important for women to take control of their finances?

Women are often good with money. They’re generally better savers than men because they’re forced to be: They’re the ones managing the family’s finances in many cases since men are focused only on earning.

As more women are taking charge of their finances, they are becoming empowered to achieve financial freedom. Taking control of one’s finances requires knowledge, education, and discipline, but the rewards can be great. With the right strategies and tools, women can create a solid financial foundation and plan for long-term success. Women can learn to budget, save, invest, and manage debt responsibly to build a secure financial future for themselves and their families. Taking control of one’s finances does not have to be a daunting task. By taking the first step, women can gain the knowledge and confidence to make smart financial decisions and create a plan for financial freedom.

Challenges women face in taking control of their finances

There are many challenges women face when taking control of their finances. The first challenge is a lack of knowledge. Women are often intimidated by the financial system and may feel uncertain about how their finances work. Some women may not have ever had a say in their family’s finances and may be unsure how to start managing their own finances.

Women also may not know where to begin when it comes to taking control of their finances. It can be overwhelming to make financial decisions, and there may be a lot of misinformation out there. Women may also feel embarrassed to ask questions or make mistakes while trying to learn. It is important for women to understand that taking control of their finances is a process and that they do not have to have all of the answers right away. Taking control of one’s finances requires education, and women must be willing to take the time to learn the right steps for their situation.

Strategies for budgeting, saving, and investing

  • Budgeting — A budget is a plan for your income, expenses, and savings. It is a record of your financial activities and allows you to see where your money is going. Creating a budget is the first step toward taking control of your finances. Women should track their income and expenses for at least three months to get an accurate picture of their spending habits. This will allow them to see where they can make adjustments to improve their finances and start saving more. A budget is not a one-time event, but a continuous process. It is important for women to regularly review and adjust their budgets as their lives and finances change.
  • Saving — Saving is the act of storing money away for future use. Women should have three separate types of savings: an emergency fund, savings for the short-term goal, and long-term savings. An emergency fund is used for unexpected expenses such as unforeseen health issues in the family. Short-term savings should be used for short-term financial goals such as paying off credit card debt or buying a new car. Women should have savings goals for long-term financial goals such as retirement or paying off a home loan.
  • Investing — Investing is the process of putting money into something in order to earn a return. Women can invest in many different things, but the most common types of investments are stocks, bonds, and real estate. Women should speak with a financial advisor and read books and articles about different types of investments and the general financial system before deciding how to invest their money. Taking the time to understand different investment types and how they work will help women make smart investment decisions.

Tools to help women take control of their finances

  • The first step towards taking control of one’s finances is gaining financial knowledge. Women should read books and articles, and take advantage of free resources such as podcasts and blogs that are aimed at educating people about personal finance.
  • Women should use a budgeting tool to help them create a budget and stay on track. Many budgeting tools are free and can be accessed on any device. They can also be shared with a partner or a financial advisor.
  • Women can also use a financial planning tool to help them create long-term financial plans. Financial planning tools can be used to track spending and savings and provide advice and information.

Benefits of taking control of one’s finances

  • A sense of security. This can reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Several women stay in toxic relationships with their spouses because they feel they have nowhere to go but with financial freedom they can opt for the desired life.
  • Can create a solid financial foundation that will last for a lifetime.
  • Prepare for any unexpected financial situation that may arise.
  • Women can be generous and give back to others.
  • Ensures that their family is taken care of and has what they need.
  • Women can help shape the future and create a brighter tomorrow.

Who AM I?

I am a product manager in one of the fortune 500 companies. I have a deep desire to impart my knowledge to others so that I might help them live happier lives.

I have started my journey to become a life and business coach for ambitious moms. I help moms to disconnect from their to-do lists and find time to pursue their passion.

Follow me on Instagram @unleash_the_realyou and kindly DM me to book a session.



Madhuri Jain

Helping ambitious tech moms (25-35) balance career and family by mastering emotional wellness.